Page:History of the Franks.djvu/51

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HERE BEGIN THE CHAPTERS OF THE SECOND BOOK 1. The episcopate of Bricius. 2. The Vandals and the persecution of the Christians under them. 3. Cyrola the heretics' bishop and the holy martyrs. 4. The persecution imder Athanaric. 5. Bishop Aravatius and the Hims. 6. St. Stephen's church in the city of Metz. 7. The wife of ^tius. 8. What the historians have written about -^tius. 9. What the same say of the Franks. 10. What the prophets of the Lord write about the images of the nations. 11. The emperor Avitus. 12. King Childeric and Egidius. 13. The episcopate of Venerandus and of Rusticus in Auvergne. 14. The episcopate of Eustochius at Tours and of Perpetuus; St. Martin's church. 15. The church of St. Simphorianus. 16. Bishop Namatius and the church at Clermont. 17. His wife and St. Stephen's church. 18. How Childeric went to Orleans and Odoacer to Angers. 19. War between the Saxons and Romans. 20. Duke Victor. 21. Bishop Eparchius. 22. Bishop Sidonius. 23. The holiness of bishop Sidonius and the visitation of the divine vengeance for the wrongs done to him. 24. The famine in Burgundy and Ecdicius. 25. The persecutor Euvarege. 26. Death of the holy Perpetuus and the episcopates of Volusianus and Virus. 27. Clovis becomes king. 28. Clovis marries Clotilda. 29. Death of their first son in his baptismal garments. 30. War with the Alamanni. 31. Clovis's baptism. 32. War with Gundobad. 33. Killing of Godegisel. 34. How Gundobad wished to be converted. 19