Page:History of the French in India.djvu/532

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506 CHANDRANAGAR AND THE DAKHAN. chap, perienced the advantage of his alliance, could not bnt XI ' regard it as a fatal blow. " He took leave of Bussy," 1758. writes Mr. Orme, " with the utmost despondency, called him the guardian angel of his life and fortune, and forboded the nnhappy fate to which he should be ex- posed by his departure." But there was no help for it. Bussy endeavoured, indeed, to cheer him up by the promise of a return in which he himself at the time really believed. Five days later, at the head of all his troops, he set out, and reached Waiur on the north of the Krishna on August 3. Here having been joined by Moracin, he made over the government of Machhli- patan to M. de Conflans, then turned for ever his back on the provinces he had gained for France, to join, with 250 Europeans and 500 sipahis, the new commander whose exploits we purpose to record in our next chapter.