Page:History of the French in India.djvu/640

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6H INDEX. ST St. Malo, ships of, seized at Surat, 31. Company of, trades to India, 40 Stevens, Commodore, joins Admiral Po- cock, 512 Surat, is visited by Caron, 15. Taken by Sivaji, 30. Abarjdoned by the French Company, 31. Ships seized at, 32. Lenoir pays the debts of the French Company at, 58 TANJUR, its early history, 74. At- tacked by Chanda Sahib, 247. By Lally, 523. Who retreats, 525 Terraneau, M., assists in blocking up the channel of the Hugli, 468. Betrays the secret to the English, 469. His fate, 470 note Tiruvadi, taken possession of by the French, 256. Action at, 259. Occu- pied by the English, 381. By the French, 387. By the English, 568. Touche, M. de la, surprises Murari Rao's camp, 254. Surprises and defeats Na- sir Jang, 267. Returns to Europe, 276. Is burnt with 700 men in the Prince, 381 note Trinkamali, taken by the French, 18. Retaken by the Dutch, 18 Trichinapalli, taken by Chanda Sahib, 74. Muhammad Ali flees to, 275. English shut up in, 287. Descrip- tion of, 287. Relieved by Lawrence, 311. Attempted by Nandoraj, 382. Effect of Lawrence's victory on, 398. French attempt to surprise, re- pulsed, 430. Re victual led by Lawrence, 432. D'Auteuil's attempt upon, 451. Defeated, 454 ZUL VANSITTART, Mr., Commissioner at the conference for peace, 408. Leaves it, 409 Vellur, Murtiza Ali flees to, 103. Again, 104. Description of, 452. Threatened by the English, 452. Who retire, 452 Vigne, Captain de, commands the de- fences of Chandranagar, 468. His brave defence, 470 and note Virana, a Maisurian general, is fright- ened out of an impregnable position, 385 Volkondah, attacked by the English, 285. Whoare repulsed, 286. D Auteuil surrenders at, 325 WATSON, Admiral, ordered to the Indies with four ships, 417. Ar- rives in India, 436. Employed in the attack on Gheriah, 448. Recaptures Calcutta, 461. Concurs in accepting the French proposition of neutrality, 463. Refuses to sign the agreement or to attack Chandranagar, 464. His scruples are silenced, 465, and note. Sails against Chandranagar, 466. Attacks it, 468 Wiswas Rao, son of Balaji Baji Rao, advances on AuraDgabad, 497 YANAON, seized by Nasir Jang, 256. Restored, 272 / / LIKA death, 345 r^TJLIKAR Khan, his ability, 314. His