Page:History of the German people at the close of the Middle Ages vol1.djvu/368

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2 KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO.'S NEW BOOKS— continued. THE WOLSELEY SERIES. TRANSLATIONS OF THE MOST IMPORTANT FOREIGN MILITARY WORKS. Edited by Walter H. James, of 5 Lexham Gardens, late Captain RE. Demy 8vo. Field-Marshal the Right Hon. Viscount Wolseley, K.P., G.C.B., G.C.M.C, Commander-in- Chief, has kindly consented to preface the first volume, ' Letters on Strategy,' by the late Prince Kraft-Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, which will appear shortly. Tbe following volumes are also in preparation :— ' With the Royal Head-Quarters in 1870-71,' by General Verdy du Vernois ; 4 Napoleon as a Strategist,' by Count Yorck von Wartenberg ; ' The Art of War,' by Lieut.- Gen. Baron von der Goltz ; and others of equal importance. MILITARY HANDBOOKS. Besides the above, additions will be made to the well-known Military Handbooks, originally edited by Major-General C. B. Brackenbury, R.A. This series will, in future, be edited by Captain W. H. James, and the additions will include 'Modern Cavalry,' by Captain D. Haig, and ' Field Fortification,' by Captain Gregson, late R.E. FIELD ARTILLERY: its Equipment, Organisation, and Tactics. By Lieutenant-Colonel Sisson C. Pratt, late R.A. Sixth Edition, revised and brought up to date by Lieutenant-Colonel Eden Baker. Small crown 8 vo. [In the press. THE AGRICULTURAL SERIES. Small crown 870. This Series will contain works on the following subjects, to be published successively :— 1. CHEMISTRY. By R.H.Adie, M.A., B.Sc, Lecturer on Chemistry, St. John's College, Cambridge, and T. B. Wood, M.A., Secretary and Lecturer on Agricultural Chemistry to the Cambridge and Counties Agricultural Education Scheme. 2. BOTANY. By Wm. Fream, LL.D. 3. PHYSIOLOGY AND FEEDING. By T. B. Wood, and R. H. Adie. 4. AGRICULTURE. By Robert Menzies, M.A., Examiner in Agriculture, University of Cambridge. 5. HORTICULTURE. KILLBOYLAN BANK. By E. M. Lynch. Crown 8vo. Advocates the establishment of Rural Banks, by which the small tradesman or farmer might obtain the necessary amount of credit essential to his improving his position. The information is given in narrative form, the scene being laid in an Irish village. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY. LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. Vol. III. By G. W. F. Hegel. Translated from the German by E. S. Haldane, assisted by F. H. SlMSON. Large post 8vo. 12*. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES. Crown 8vo. 5s. each. NEW VOLUMES. ICE WORK, PRESENT AND PAST. By the Rev. T. G. Bonney, D.Sc, LL.D., F.R.S., F.S.A., F.G.S. Illustrated. A CONTRIBUTION TO OUR KNOWLEDGE OF SEEDLINGS. By the Right Hon. Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P., F.R.S. Popular Edition. Illustrated. THE POLAR AURORA. By Alfred Angot. Illustrated. An account of the various theories which have been put forward from time to time in ex- planation of the Aurora, and a statement of the present state of scientific knowledge in regard to the phenomenon, and of its connection with terrestrial magnetism and solar spots. THE ART OF MUSIC. By C. Hubert H. Parry, Mus.Doc. This work, after going through five Editions as a 12s. volume since the autumn of 1893, has now been revised and thoroughly brought up to date before being brought out in this series. London: KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO. Ltd.