Page:History of the German people at the close of the Middle Ages vol1.djvu/45

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ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 33 it in God's hands — it will redound to your soul's salva- tion.' Christians, after attending mass and hearing sermons on saints' days, should read such books as will be to their spiritual edification ; they may also sing songs about their handiwork or other matters, but not coarse or wicked songs.' Stephen Lanzkrana, provost of the church of St. Dorothea in Vienna (1477), sketches a beautiful picture of the Christian family in the ' Hymelstrasz,' where he admonishes the father ' on Sundays, the first thing after breakfast, to go with his household and hear a sermon, and afterwards to sit at home with his wife, children, and servants, and question them as to what made most impression upon them in the sermon, telling them what struck him most. He should also hear them repeat, and expound to them the Ten Commandments, the seven deadly sins, the Pater Noster and the Creed. He shall also give them something good to drink, and join joyously in singing the praises of God, of our Lady and the saints with his household.' It is further enjoined that on Sunday mornings ' all Christians who have come to years of discretion should hear a whole mass — i.e. not leave the church until the blessing is given. . . . That they should remain for the sermon and listen to it with attention, and repeat congregationally the Confiteor and the Commandments. It is also recom- mended that they should pray for the wants of the Church and the faithful. Whatever in the sermon cannot be remembered without notes should be written down at home.' l In the ' Weihegiirtlein ' of the year 1507 occurs the 1 Himmelstrasse, published in Augsburg in 1484, pp. 50, 51 ; it is one of the best authorities on the manners of the fifteenth century. VOL. I. D