Page:History of the Guillotine.djvu/13

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The Duke de Liancourt 21
New penal code 22
Difficulty as to mode of beheading 23
M. Duport de Tertre's letter to the Assembly 24
Sanson's 'Observations on Execution by Beheading,' &c. 25
Silence as to a machine 27
Decree of the Assembly 28
M. Louis's 'Report on the Mode of Decollation' 28
Guillotin consulted by Rœderer 31
His imprisonment and subsequent obscurity 33
His death 33
English mode of decapitation 34
The Halifax Gibbet 35
The Scottish Maiden 36
Italian machine in 1702 39
Curious coat-of-arms 40
Randle Holme's notice of ancient modes of execution 40
Ancient instruments for decapitation 41
Execution of de Montmorenci 46
Laquiante's machine 47
Estimate for constructing Louis's machine 47
The Guillotine canonized 48
Schmidt the inventor of the instrument adopted 49
Experiments 50
The Guillotine's first victim 51
Its general success 52
Adoption of the name 53
Voltaire's description of his countrymen 54
The Tenth of August 54
First Revolutionary Tribunal 55