Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/211

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/ A »,.». t. ». l.L BOOK VI. RELIGION. The religion of the Indian islanders^ which is the subject of the present book, will be treated of in four distinct chapters. The first will contain an account of the ancient religion of the people j the second of their modern Hinduism ; the third of the Mahomedan religion ; and the fourtii of the progress and character of Christianity among these islanders. Java is, to my knowledge, the only country of the Archipelago that affords materials for the discussion of the first subject ; and, there- fore, my references are constantly made to that country ; and Bali affords, so exclusively, the ma- terials of the second, that the chapter on this topic is expressly denominated an account of the religion of Bali. TOL. II. * N