Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/293

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RELIGION OF BALI. 24? before others carrying — the mirror, — the vest, — the loose garment, — the beteUhox^ and other conve- niences of the deceased. The bones are devoutly washed during a month and seven days, after which, being placed in a convenient litter, they are conveyed by the same retinue as was the body, to a place called Labee, where they are entirely burnt, and the ashes carefully collected in -urns, and cast into the sea at a certain distance from the beach, which terminates the ceremony. " When a prince or a princess of the royal family dies, their women or slaves run round the body, uttering cries and frightful bowlings, and all eagerly solicit to die for their master or mistress. The king, on ihd following day, designates, one by one, those of whom he makes choice. From that moment, to the last of their lives, they are daily conducted, at an early hour, each in her vehicle, to the sound of musical instruments, with- out the town, to perform their devotions, having their feet wrapped in white linen, for it is no more permitted to them to touch the bare earth, because they are considered as consecrated. The young women, little skilled in these religious ex- ercises, are instructed in them by the aged women, who accompany them, and who, at the same time, confirm them in their resolution. " A woman, on the demise of her husband, ap- pears daily before the corpse, offering it viands,