Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/300

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^56 IlELIGtON OF BALI. (lays duration ; the second Kuningan, and is of two days duration. These festivals occur in De- cember and June, or at the winter and summer solstices, the first when the great rice crop is sown, and the second when it is reaped. They are dedicated to the worship of the gods, to festivi- ty and rejoicing. All serious occupation is inter- rupted, and even war, at all other times carried on with the relentless ferocity common to barbarians, is held unlawful during the celebration of these festivals. From the seasons at which they occur, and the native names by which they are designated, I am inclined to consider them as native rather than foreign institutions, or perhaps at furthest, but as modified by the Hindus. The Balinese have generally adopted the Indian chronology, and the era of Salivana, which they call Saka x&mrsa chandra. Besides the works current among the ancient Javanese, and of which an account is given under the head of Literature, the Balinese Brahmins of the worship of Siwa supplied me with the follow- ing list of works, containing the peculiar doctrines of their own sect. Agama — Adigama — Sarsa- muschayagama — Dewagama — Maiswa7'alatwa — Wiyawaraha — Dustakalahaya — Shkantar agama — Satmagama, and Gamiyagamana. They com- plained of the loss of other religious works, and