Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/328

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BOOK VII, HISTORY. CHAPTER I. PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON THE HISTORY OF THE ARCHIPELAGO. Historic of the Archipelago^ naturally divided into ivoo parts^ Native and European. — The History of three of the Native tribes only xuorth a separate detail European History, Paucity of greatEventSy andqfremarliahle Characters, to what to he ascribed. — Most remarJcable Native Characters, — The Laksimana, or Admiral of Malacca — Character of Asiatic Settlers. — Shelch Maulana, Sultan of Cheribon. — Remark' able European Characters.-—- Antonio Galvan, the greatest man of tiohom the History of the Archipelago mahes men' tion — Character of Albuquerque. — Of St Zavier. — Pauci- ty of Eminent Characters among the Dutch, '^Character of the early Governors. — Character of Speelman, the most re- markable individual of the Dutch History of the Indies. — Causes luhich proved hostile to the appearance of distin- guished talent among the Dutch Colonists. 1 HE history of the Indian Archipelago naturdly divides itself into two parts, the one comprising the Native, and the other the European story.