Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/347

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CHAPTER III. HISTORY OF THE PROPAGATION OF MAHOMEDANISM IN JAVA. Many of the circumstances connected tuith the introduction of Mahomedanism involved in fable, — Mahomedanism intro- duced among some of the more Western Tribes^ 50 years before it ivas established in Java. — Decay of Hinduis7n in Javafacilitated the propagation of Mahomedanism. — Ma^ hoynedan Merchants had long frequented the Island, pre- vious to the establishment of their Religion. — An unsuccess- Jul attempt to propagate Mahomedanisn} in the Western Districts.' — Missionaries of Islam, in Java^ tvere not alien strangers, but persons familiar mth the Habits and Lan- guage of the People. — Shekh Rahmat the first Mission. ary. — Raden Patah, a Javanese of the Colony of Palem- bang, the principal Agent. — His story, according to the Ja- vanese. — He intrigues for the Subversion of the National Religion of Java. — TheMahomedans defeated in the first Ac* tion. — Mahomedans Victorious in the second Battle, — They take and destroy the Hindu Capital of Mojopahit^—- Stric- tures on the Javanese Accounts of these Transactions. — Ab" struct of the true story of the Introduction of the Religion of Mahomed. — Political State oj Java, immediately before the Triumph of Mahomedanism. — The nine Apostles of Ma* homedanism usually designated Susunan, — Their Cha^ racter. — Shekh Maulana the ablest of them. — Account of his Converting the People of the Western Districts. — Che* ribon.^-'Bantan.—^Pajajaran.^-^General Reflections,