Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/355

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OF MAHOMEDANISM IN JAVA. 311 through the influence of his brother. His conduct, however, creating at last some suspicion at the capital, his brother paid him a visit, and prevailed upon him to make his appearance at court, and pay the accustomed homage. Raden Fatah was not only forgiven, but preferred to the honours and emoluments of adipati of Bmtoro, With this title he returned to Damak, and be- gan to intrigue anew for the subversion of the na- tional worship, surrounded by the most celebrated of the advocates of the new religion. Raden Fa- tah having, by his intrigues, at length formed a con- siderable party, and mustered a respectable force, gave the command to a Javanese, who obtained or assumed the name of Susuhunan Udang^ for the zealot himself appears to have been no soldier. This is alleged to have happened in the year 1390 of Salivana, after Raden Fatah had been no less^ than five and thirty years on the island. The Ma- homedan force was encountered and defeated near Gdrsik, by the Hindu forces under the command of Husen, and their general killed. Raden Fatah, not discouraged by this de- feat, applied for, and obtained succour from, the faithjul at Falembang, and was in condition shortly after to assemble a fresh force, of which the com- mand was given to Susunan Kudus, son of the ge- neral who had been defeated and killed in the last engagement. Husen, still the commander of the