Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/363

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CHAPTER IV. HISTORY OF JAVA CONTINUED. Petty States tvhich sprung wp from the Convulsions occa- sioned by the Introduction of Mahomedanism. — Damak^ — Pajang. — Rise of the Dynasty of Mataram. — Kyayi A- gang Pamanahan, the founder of the Dynasty. — Reign of Panambahan Senopati, at Mataram. — Fie Conquers the Eastern Districts^ as far as Pati, — Anecdotes of this Prince's reign. — Death of Panambahan Senapati. — Pa- nambahan Krapyak ascends the throne. — Conquers the Province of Pronorogo. — Suppresses various Rebelliom. — Remarkable events in his reign. — Reign of Sultan Adi Ma^ taramt usually called the Great Sultan. — Conquers the whole of the Eastern Districts^ Cheribon, and the Sunda Districts^ down to Jacatra. — Receives missions from Borneo and Sumatra. — Sends an embassy to Celebes — Anecdotes of his reign. — Predatory incursion into the Eastern Dis- tricts. — Massacre of the Inhabitants of the Sunda District of Sumadang. — Sultan of Mataram poisons the xuaters oj the river of Surabaya. — Chiefs of the Eastern Dism tricts combine against the People of Mataram^ and are defeated. — Generosity of the Sultan on the occasion. — Des' perate ayid gallant action of the Prince of Pamakasan, in Madura. — Story of the heroic Princess, Wandan Sari.-.- %' Execution of the spiritual Chief of Giri. — Remarkable na^ fnral events during this reign. — Sultan Tagalarum succeeds