Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/367

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HISTORY OF JAVA CONTINUED. 32$ Sultan of Pqjang, He is said to have been the fourth in lineal descent from Browijoyo, the last Hindu sovereign of Mqjopahit, a genealogy, in all likelihood, fabricated in after times to impose on the credulity of the people, by tracing the origin of the family to a source which insured their veneration and affection. This person was suc- ceeded in the administration of the province by his son, the first sovereign of the family, who is best known by the title of Senopati^ or military commander, conferred upon him by the Sultan of Pajang in return for which he poisoned his be- nefactor, and by a course of intrigue, too often re- peated in the history of man to demand a new re- cital, deprived his family of their patrimony, add- ed Pajang to Mataram, and assumed the sovereign title of Fandmhahan.* (A. S. 1508, A. D. 1586.)— The principal object of the reign of this prince was the subjuga- tion of the eastern districts, and in this he succeed- ed as far as Paliy towards the north coast, and Kadiri towards the south. He made predatory in- cursions as far as Fasuruhan^ but no permanent conquest. Of the manner in which the war was conducted, I shall offer a few specimens. The prince of Mataram having made an expedition to the east, was opposed by the confederated chiefs

  • Literally " the object of an obeisarice.'*