Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/381

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CHAPTER V: SEQUEL OF JAVANESE HISTORY* Retrospect of Portuguese History, as immediately connected xvith that of Java. — Of Dutch History, and Rejiections on the policy pursued by Europeans, — Reign of the Susunan Mangkorat. — Rebellion of Truna J ay a, and Invasion of the Macassars. — Mangkorat calls in the Dutch to his assist- ance. — Story of Surapati. — Singular incident at Japara.-"' Tragical story of Truna Jay a. — Tragical story of Sukro, son of the first minister, — Reign of Mangkorat Mas. — i?e- bellion of his uncle, the Pangeran Pugar, and his dethrone- ment. — Murder of the Chief of Pronorogo. — Reign of Pa- hibuono.—Jayeng Rono, Prince of Surabaya, assassinated by the Susunan^ at the instigation of the Dutch' — Rebellion ofJoyo Puspito. — Reflections on the conduct of the Dutch, — Account of the Impostors called Kraman* — Story of Mas Dono, one oj these. — Reign of Susunan Prabu, — His reign a series of rebellions. — The reign of Susunan Sedo Lawe* yan. — Susunan joins the Chinese uho had escaped from the massacre of Batavia. — lliey jointly attack Samarang. — The Susunan treacherously quits the Chinese, and allies himself again ixith the Dutch. — Chinese make a Susunan of their own, and drive their late ally from his throne. — Chinese de- feated a?id the Susunan restored.— -Narrative of some of the principal events of this reign, — Treacherous attack upon the Dutch Fortress at Cartasura, and Massacre of the Prison- ers, — Atrocious circumstances connected wth the secession VOL, II. y