Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/415

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CHAPTER VL HISTORY OF THE MALAYS^ MenaHghahao in Sumatra^ the original seat of the Malaj^aa Name and Naiian. — Malays^ emigrated to the Penin&ula. — Native History of the Emigration. — Strictures and re- marks on the Native Narrative. — Origin of the word Malay — and of the terms JVmdward'and Leeward People, — Malay Language and Name diffused through the Arcfit' pelago by the First Colonyi, and not by the Parent StocL — Why the Peninsula is denominated " the Land of the Ma^ lays" — Details of the History of each Tribe referred ti» their particular heads.. J HE notices which we possess on this curious and interesting subject are meagre and unsatisfactory, for the Malays are still more ignorant of historical composition than their neighbours the Javanese, f and Europeans have had far less intercourse with the primitive race. The country which Europeans denominate the Malay Peninsula, and which, by the natives them- selves, is called ^^the land oj the Malays^'** has, from its appearing to be wholly occupied by that people, been generally considered as their original coun- try. The country of Menanglmbao in Sumatra

  • ** Tanah Malayii."