Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/454

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CHAPTER IX. DUTCH HISTORY OF THE ARCHIPELAGO. Causes tvhich led to the Dutch Adventures to India. — The First Voyage under Hoiitman, and the Conduct of that Ad- venturer — Causes which led to the Jbrmation of a Joint* Stock Company y and the pernicious consequences ofihatearl^ example. — General Character of the Dutch Policy in rela- tion to the Inhabitants of the Archipelago. — Conduct of the Dutch in Java. — Native Princes of the Island combine to expel the Europeans.'>^Comhination broken by the mutual jealousies of the Parties. — The Town of Jacatra destroyed^ and B ataxia founded. — The Sidtan of Mataram besieges Batavia ttvice, and is defeated. — The most Nourishing pe-* riodofthe Dutch History of Java. — The Dutch take part with the Sultan of Maiaram against his Subjects, and are involved iti a long and expensive War. — War of Bantam^ and exptdsion of the English from Java. — Rebellion of Su- rapatif a Slave, who founds an Independent Principality, — Dutch involve themselves in the War for the Succession to the Throne of Mataram, and take part with the Usurper.—' The Conspiiacy of Erberfeld. — Massacre of Ten Thou- sand Chinese at Batavia.'— Java enjoy s a profound Peace for Fifty Years, and in spite of Monopolies, and want of Foreign Commerce, flourishes in consequence.- — Proceedings of the Dutch in the more Western Countries of the Archi-' pelago. — The Object of their Policy in those parts chiefly Commercial. — Conquest of Malacca,— Decay of Malacca,,