Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/470

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MG DUTCH HISTORY public thanhsgivings "were offered to God, say the Dutch writers, in the churches of Batavia, for the conclusion; it is therefore concluded, regard being had to the before-mentioned crimes, and all the circumstances relating to them, and we hereby conclude and decree in justice, in the name, and on the part, of their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Provinces, that we condemn the before-mentioned prisoners, with the approbation of the governor-general Mr Zwardekroon, and of the counsellors of the Indies, to be transported to the place before the citadel, where it is usual to execute criminals, there to be delivered in- to the hands of the hangman, in order to receive their respec- tive punishments in the manner following : The two crimi- nals, Erberfeld and Catadia, otherwise styled Rading, shall be extended and bound each of them on a cross, where they shall each of them have their right hands cut off, and their arms, legs, and breasts, pinched with red hot pincers, till pieces of the flesh are torn away. They shall then have their bellies ripped up from bottom to top, and their hearts thrown in their faces ; after which, their heads shall be cut off, and fixed upqn a post ; and their bodies, being torn in pieces, shall be expos- ed to the fowls of the air without the city, in whatever place the government shall please to direct. " The other four criminals, Maja Praja, SanaSuta, otherwise Wangsa, Suta Chitra, and Layeck, are to be each of them bound upon a cross, and have their respective right hands cut off, their arms, thighs, and breasts, pinched, their bellies rip- ped open, and their hearts thrown in their faces, and their limbs exposed upon a wheel in the usual places, there to be- come a prey to birds. The other ten criminals shall be each, of them tied upon a cross on the scaflold, and, in case there be pot room on the scaffold itself, on a place near it, where they