Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/489

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CHAPTER X. SPANISH HISTORY OF THE ARCHIPELAGO. Spanish influence confined to the Philippines, — Policy pursued by the Spaniards, with all its vices^ superior to that of any other European government established in the Archipelago, — Sketch of that Policy. — Discovery of the Philippines by Magellan. — Philippines neglected for the Moluccas, — First attempt to conquer the Philippines. — Conquest of Zebu by Legaspi. — Luconia invaded. — Causes to which the facility of the early conquest of it is to be ascribed. — Foundation of the city of Manila, — Causes which have proved a barrier to the progress of the Spanish conquests. — Effects which result from the proximity of China to the Philijopines. — Manila attack' ed by the Chinese rebel Limakon, and nearly taken. — Chi^ nese employed as rowers^ in an expedition against the Mo- luccas, murder the Governor of the Philippines ^who command- ed^ and the crew of his galley. — First Massacre of the Chi-* nese, when thirty thousand are cut off. — Emperor of China demands an explanation, and is easily satisfied. — Second Massacre of the Chinese, when twenty-three out of thirty thousand are cut off. — The Phili2)pines threatened with an invasion by Coxinga^ the conqueror of Fomosa, which they escape by the sudden death of that able and ambitious lead' er.- — Spaniards expel the Chinese from the Philippines, — Powerful causes springing from the principle of population in China, and the locality of the Philippines have induced the inhabitants of the former country to settle in numbers in