Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/526

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48!^ eHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. C. 1223. S. 1 145. H. 620. Sri Rama Wikaram, king of Singhapura, reigns. C. ViS6. S. 1158. H. 634. Sri Maharaja ascends the throne of Singhapura. C. l'^49. S. 1171. H. 647. Sri Iskander Shah reigns at Singhapura. C. 1250. S. 1172. H. 648. Colonies from Gilolo settle in the island of Ter- nate. C. 1252. S. 1174. H. 650. The king of Java invades Singhapura, and drives the Malays from thence, who, proceeding farther west, found the city of Malacca. C. 1257. S. 1179. H. 655, Chicho, the first Kolano, or king of Ternate, reigns. C. 1266. S. 1188. H. 665. The earliest of the temples of Brambanan in Java are built. C. 1274. S. 1196. H. 673. Sri Iskander Shah, who founded the city of Malacca, dies, and is succeeded by Sultan Magat. C. 1276. S. 1198. H. 675. Sultan Mahomed Shah ascends the throne of Malacca. He embraces the Mahomedan religion, and takes possession of the islands of Lingga and Bintan.