Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/528

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484 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. C. 13^2. S. 1244. H. 7^^. Sida Aarif Malamo, nephew of the last king of Ternate by his sister, succeeds to the throne. A great number of Javanese and Arabs visit Ternate, and settle there. The confederation of the four kings of the Mo- luccas is formed. C. 1331. S. 1253. H. 732. Paji Malamo, king of Ternate, reigns. C. 133^. S. 1254. H. 733. Paji Malamo, king of Ternate, is assassinated, and succeeded by Shah Alam. Sultan Abu Shahid ascends the throne of Ma- lacca. C. 1334. S. 1256. H. 735. The people of Ternate conquer the island of Machian. Abu Shahid, king of Malacca, is murdered, and Sultan Mozassar Shah ascends the throne. C. 1338.. S. 1260. H. 739. The magnificent Buddhist temple of Boro Bu- dur in Java is constructed. C. 1340. S. 1262. H. 741. The king of Malacca engages in a war with Siam, the sovereign of which country is killed in a battle which ensues. C. 1343. S. 1265. H. 744. Xulu Malamo succeeds to the throne of Ternate.