Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/534

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490 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. C. 1514. S. 1486. H. 9^0. Ninachetuan, a Pagan Malay of Malacca, burns himself publicly on a funeral pile, on account of the ingratitude of the Portuguese. The Raja of Campar in Sumatra, exercising the functions of Bandahara, or first minister of Malac- ca, is unjustly put to death by the Portuguese, in consequence of which they are execrated, and the «ity is deserted. C. 1516. S. 1438. H. 9^2. Mahomed, ex-king of Malacca, and king of Bintan and Jehor, blockades Malacca. C. 1517. S. 1439. H. 925. Mahomed, ex-king of Malacca, attacks that place a second time — is beaten off, but returns to the blockade. C. 1518. S. 1440. H. 924. Mahomed, ex>king of Malacca, continues the blockade of that city, which is defended successfully by seventy Portuguese. C. 1519. S. 1441. H.925. Mahomed, king of Bintan, continues his block- ade of Malacca, but the garrison being reinforced by Garcia de Sa, they attack Mahomed's entrench- ed camp, which they take, and that prince retires again to Bintan. The king of Achin, taking advantage of the dis- tressed state of Malacca, attacks the Portuguese factories within his dominions, and makes prisoners or puts to death the Europeans.