Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/539

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. it95 nor of the Moluccas, poisons Almanzor, king of Tidor, through his physician, whose attendance the latter when sick had requested. The Portuguese governor, under pretext of non-fulfilment of the treaty on the part of the peo- ple of Tidor, invades the island unexpectedly, and pillages and burns the town. The islanders, awak- ened by these enormities, resolve to do all in their power to shut their ports against the Portuguese, and if possible to exterminate them. The emperor Charles the Fifth, convinced of the goodness of his claim to the Moluccas, fits out a squadron of six ships for these islands, two of which, with three hundred men only, arrive. The Tidoreans receive them with cordiality, but the weakness, both of the Spaniards and Portuguese, prevent the Europeans from coming to open hosti- lities. Don George Menezes arrives as governor of the Moluccas, and his contests with the late governor give occasion to a civil war between the Portuguese ef the Spice Islands. The Spaniards, reinforced from Europe, attack the Portuguese, and gain some advantage over them ; but the latter, being in time also reinforc- ed, drive them from the island of Tidor, and com- pel them to a treaty, agreeing to quit the Moluccas. The young king of Ternate is accused by his uncle of sorcery and secret arts, and is compelled