Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/542

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498 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLI). and the traitor put to death, by being thrown head- long from a window of the castle. Gonsalvo Pereira sails, as governor, for the Mo- luccas, and touches at the port of Borneo in the island of that name, where he makes commercial arrangements with the king. Gonsalvo Pereira arrives in the Moluccas, and attempts to remedy the disorders brought about by the misgovernment of his predecessors. In con- sequence of his measures, the Ternatians return to their country, and a good understanding is esta- blished with the king of Tidor. The Portuguese, dissatisfied with the conduct of Pereira, stir up a revolt of the Ternatians against him, and he is killed in an insurrection which takes place. — The conspirators seize the government, and dethrone the king of Ternate, who flies to the mountains to escape their persecution. — They raise to the throne in his room a son of the late king by a concubine. Fonseca, the usurping governor of Ternate, carries fire and sword into the island of Tidor, and pursues the king of that place and the king of Ter- nate, forcing these unfortunate princes to take re- fuge in the forests. Tristan d'Ataida takes charge of the govern- ment of the Moluccas, a worse man than any of his bad predecessors.— He dethrones the king of