Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/547

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CHRQNOLOGICAL TABLE. 508 and imprisons him ; in consequence of which there is a general insurrection throughout the island. C. 1559. S. 1481. H.966. Aeiro, king of Ternate, is released and restored ; in consequence of which tranquillity is re-establish- ed throuojhout the Moluccas. Sultan Abd-ul- Julil the First ascends the throne of Jehor. C. 1565. S. 1487. H. 973. Raja Firman Shah ascends the throne of Achin, and is soon afterwards murdered. Raja Jawil ascends the throne of Achin, and is murdered soon after. Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, in the reign of Philip the Second of Spain, takes nominal posses- sion of the Philippines. Zebu, one of the Philippines, is conquered by the Spaniards. C. 1567. S. 1489. H. 97^. Mansur Shah, a native of the Malay state of Perah in the Peninsula, ascends the throne of Achin. The king of Achin joins in the league of the western powers of India against the Portuguese, and sends a fleet and army against Malacca. C. 1568. S. 1490. H. 976. The king of Achin in person goes against Malacca