Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/557

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 513 the Jehor, carrying oflF a great many of the inha- bitants as slaves. C. I6i4. S. 1,^36. H. 10^3. The sultan of Mataram in person conquers the eastern provinces of Java as far as Wirorosobo in- clusive. C. 1615. S. 1537. H. 1024. Gerard Reynst, governor-general of the Dutch Indies. Reynst compels the English to quit Am- boyna. An eruption of a volcano takes place at Banda. May 14th. — The Dutch commence hostilities with the Bandanese, and capture Pulo-ay, but are driven out of it again by the inhabitants. The king of Achin, with a numerous fleet, and an army of sixty thousand men, sails against Ma- lacca, and is defeated by the Portuguese before ef- fecting a landing. The English visit Macassar, and conclude a com- mercial treaty with the king. The confederated chiefs of the eastern provinces of Java invade the territories of the sultan of Ma- taram, but are reduced by famine and sickness, and ultimately defeated by the prince in person. Ele- phants are described as having been used on this occasion. C. 1616. S. 1538. H. 1025. The sultan of Mataram conquers the district of Lassem. VOL. II. Kk