Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/560

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5 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLl?. means to be the sole reason. The Dutch by them- selves achieve the conquest of these Isles. C. 1621. S. 1543. H. 1080. Sultan Mahomed Shah the Third ascends the throne of Jehor. The French, under General Beaulieu, make their first appearance in the Archipelago, carrying a letter and presents from the king of France to the king of Achin. C. 1623. S. 1545. H. 1082. The sultan of Mataram conquers the island of Madura. — He conquers the province of Surabaya. A great revolt of the native inhabitants of the Philippines takes place, which is at length quelled with difficulty. Peter de Charpentier, governor-general of the Indies. The Dutch pretending to have discovered a plot of the English and their Japanese soldiers to seize the fort of Amboyna, put the supposed conspira- tors to the torture, and execute them on their con- fession on the rack. C. 1624. S. 1546. H. 1033. The Dutch commence hostilities against the in- habitants of the Moluccas, for selling their cloves to other strangers. Sultan Abd ul Jalil the Second ascends the throne of Jehor. n