Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/566

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69.% CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. C. 1639. J. 1561. H. 1049. The Dutch arrive in Celebes, and make a com- mercial treaty with the king of Goa Macassar. The Chinese in the Philippines, now amounting to thirty thousand men, revolt against the Spanish authority ; being attacked by a military force they are driven from post to post, and at length yield, after their numbers had been reduced to seven thousand. The sultan of Mataram achieves the conquest of Blambangan. He quells a rebellion of the dis- trict of Sumadang, and orders the male inhabitants to be exterminated. C. 1640. J. 156^. H. 1050. The king of Achin sends twenty-five galleys to assist the Dutch in their conquest of Malacca. Lamadarama, king of Boni, institutes a religious persecution, and attempts to propagate Mahome- danism by the sword. His subjects apply to the king of Goa Macassar, who invades the country, and defeats him. The Portuguese settlements in India are sepa- rated from those of Spain, by the rise of the duke of Braganza to the independent throne of Portu- gal. C. 1641, J. 1563. H. 1051. The queen, Taju ul Alum, ascends the throne of Achin.