Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/568

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5€4 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. C. 1644. J. 1566. H. 1054. Mataram is visited by a second great epidemic. August 11.^ — Don Diego Farado, governor of the Philippines. The Dutch make an attempt on Sooloo and Mindanao, but are defeated. C. 1645. J. 1567. H. 1055. The Dutch, with a squadron of eleven ships, make various attempts upon Manila and other parts of the Philippines, but finally retreat without effecting any thing. Salicala, son of the king of Sooloo, and the Ma-* lays of Borneo, commit great depredations on the coasts of the Spanish possessions in the Philip- pines. The Spaniards of the Philippines send a retalia^ tory expedition against the Malays of Borneo, which destroys many of their villages, and carries off two hundred prisoners as slaves. A most formidable insurrection of the natives takes place throughout the Philippines, which is quelled with difficulty. A succession of earthquakes takes place during sixty days in the Philippine Islands, when the town of Manila is entirely destroyed, and many lives lost. Cornelius Van der Lyn, governor-general of the Dutch Indies.