Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/570

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526 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. Batavia by the Dutch, and compelled to sign a treaty, agreeing to destroy all the cloves in Jiis do- minions. Aug. ^8. — Vlaming, the governor of Amboyna, executes more than twenty of the nobles of the Moluccas by breaking some on the wheel, and strangling or drowning others. The king of Bantam declares war against the Dutch, and proceeds against Batavia, with sixty thousand men, but does no more than lay waste the surrounding country and retire. C. 1653. J. 1575. H. 106r3. Feb. 6. — The Dutch execute a great many no- bles and princes of the Moluccas taken prisoners by them. The king of Macassar joins the people of the Moluccas in their league against the Dutch. March 6. — The Dutch and people of Macassar fight a naval action at Ternate. May 18. — Jan Maatzuiker, governor-general of the Dutch Indies. May ^1. — The Dutch order another execution of the Moluccan chiefs. An extraordinary fall of rain takes place in Java, when many parts of the country not usually flood- ed are inundated. — In the month of Safar of the same year, a comet is seen. A mission appears from Sukadana in Borneo t© do homage to the sultan of Mataram.