Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/573

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. ^529 C. 1664. J. 1586. H. 1072. The Dutch reduce under tiieir sway the princi- pal portion of the west coast of Sumatra. A volcanic eruption of the mountain Marapi in Java takes place. The Dutch, under Admiral Vander Laen, send a fleet against Palembang in Sumatra, which they capture and burn. C. 1665. J. 1587. H. 1073. The inhabitants of Pao in Sumatra massacre the Dutch officers and garrison of the island of Chingo. The Macassars fit out a great expedition of seven hundred vessels, and twenty thousand men, for the conquest of Butung and the Xulla Isles, and eventually for that of the Moluccas. They con- quer the people of Butung, who redeem them- selves for seven hundred and eighty katis of gold, (about seven hundred ounces.) C. 1666. J. 1588. H. IO74. The Dutch send a great force, under Admiral Speelman, for the conquest of Macassar. They give the Macassars a complete overthrow at Butung, and, not knowing how to dispose of their prisoners, they leave five thousand on a desert island. C. 1667. J. 1590. H. 10/0. The Dutch reconquer the whole west coast of Sumatra, from Salebar to Barus. The people of Boni in Celebes, with auxiliaries from Ternate and Butung, join the Dutch, when VOL, II. L 1