Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/583

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 539 C. 1704. J. 1628. H. 1114. Jan Von Hoorn, governor- general of the Dutch Indies. The Dutch espouse the cause of the prince of Pu- gar, and commence the war, which, for distinction sake, is called " the first war of Java." Pangeran Pugar escapes from Cartasura to Sa- marang, and is proclaimed Susunan by the Dutch vmder the name of Susunan Pakubuwono. Perkasa Alum, king of Achin, is deposed, and Jemal ul Alum elected in his room. C. 1705. J. . H. 111^. The Dutch general De Wilde takes the field with an army of eight thousand Europeans; and seven thousand Javanese and Madurese auxiliaries, under the Madurese prince Chakra Ningrat. The Dutch defeat the army ot the Susunan near Cartasura, consisting of thirty thousand men. The prince of Pugar is proclaimed Susunan at Cartasura. Many of the nobles come oyer to him, some of whom he strangles, and others he stabs to death with his own hand, — among the former a son q) his 0W7h October 5. — De Wilde concludes a treaty with the new Susunan, by which the latter yields the su- premacy of Cheribon and Madura, and cedes many- provinces on the north coast of the island of Java to the Dutch.