Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/585

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GHRONOLOGTCAL TABLE. ^41 C. I7O8. J. 1632. H. 1118. August 24. — The Dutch commander of the for- ces, Knol, makes offers to the dethroned Susunan, who surrenders liimself on assurance of grace, and is sent to Batavia. The Pangeran of Surabaya is put to death by the Susunan at the instigation of the Dutch. The ex-Susunan arrives at Batavia, and claiming the indemnity on the faith of which he had surren- dered, the pledge of indemnity is disclaimed, and after a month's residence at Batavia, he is banished to Ceylon, where he ended his days. C. 1709. J. 1633. H. 1119. The impostor Mas Dono raises a rebellion, is taken prisoner, and tortured to death by order of the Susunan. August 5. — Don Martin de Ursua-y- Arismendi, Count de Lizaraga, governor of the Philippines. The Chinese are banished from Manila, un- der the absurd pretext of carrying off the public wealth. Mapa Dulang, king of Boni in Celebes, dies, and is succeeded by his daughter's son, Sapuale-e, king of Macassar. C. 1710. J. 1634. H. 1120. The Macassars of Goa having refused to deliver up Arung Palaka, son of the king of Boni, who had taken refuge with them, the king of Boni and