Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/587

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 54}$ C. 1715. J. 1639. H. 1125. February 4. — Senor Torralba, provisional gover- nor of the Philippines. Batara Toja resigns the crown in favour of her half-brother, Lapadang Sejati, king of Sopeng. C. 1717. J. 16^1. H. h27. August :'. — Don Fernando Bustamante, gover- nor of the Philippines. The governor of the Philippines sends a mission to Siam, to cultivate friendly and commercial rela- tions with that country, and the Spaniards obtain liberty to settle a factory ; but a ship of Siam having, in the mean time, come to Manila, and the crew being ill used by the Spaniards, the effects of the mission are frustrated. C. I7I8. J. 1642. H. 1128. Joyo Puspito, chief of Surabaya, defeats the Dutch and Susunan in a battle fought near Sura- baya. The prince of Madura revolts, and, being defeat- ed, takes shelter on board a Dutch frigate, where a muck taking place, he, his brother, and son, with the captain of the Dutch frigate, and others, lose their lives. Henry Zwardekroon, governor-general of the Dutch Indies. C. 1719. J. 1648. H. 1129. February. — The Susunan Pakubuwana dies, af-