Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/591

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 5^J betrayed by a promise of pardon, and seized by the Dutch. Matthew de Haan, governor- general of the Dutch Indies. C. 1726. J. 1650. H. 1136. The Susunan Prabu dies, and is, through an intrigue of the Dutch, succeeded by his youngest son, Pakubuwono, to the exclusion of the elder, the prince Aryo, nominated successor to the crown by his father. Batara Toja, queen of Boni, marries for her fourth husband Arung Kayu, and makes him joint regent with herself. C. 17^7. J. I60I. H. 1137. Batara Toja, queen of Boni, attacks the king of Sopeng, her brother, defeats him, and puts him and his family to death. — She causes herself to be proclaimed queen of Sopeng. C. 17«8. J. 165^ H. 1138. Arung Kayu, joint regent with his wife Batara Toja, conspires against and attempts to supplant her. — His conspiracy is detected, and he is com- pelled Ui fly to save his life. C. 17^29. J. 1654. H. 1140. August 14 — Don Fernando Valdes y Tamon, governor-general of the Philippines. Diederick Thierry Durven, governor-general of the Dutch Indies.