Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/595

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eHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 551 nese, of whom he massacres a number, and then joins the Dutch. The Chinese retreat into the interior of Java, and raise to the throne a prince of the house of, Mataram, commonly called the Susunan Kuning. November ^9- — The Dutch celebrate their tri- umph over the Chinese, by a public thanksgiving at Batavia. C. 1742. J. 1667. H. 1153. Malawangao, king of Goa Macassar, dies, and is succeeded by his infant brother, Mapa Bewasa. The Chinese, with the Susunan Kuning, attack the capital ( ^artasura, and take it. The Madurese retake Cartasura, and the Chi- nese retreat with their Susunan. The Chinese are jomed by Suryo Kusurao, bet- ter known by the name of Mangkunagoro, and they fight a number of actions with tae Dutch troops, and those of the Susunan. Cartasura is abandoned, and the seat of govern- ment is removed to Solo or Surakarta. C. l,4d. J. 1 608. H. 1154. The Chinese disperse, and the Susunan Kuning surrendering himself to the Dutch, is banished to Ceylon. Gustavus Willem, Baron dTmhofF, governor-ge- neral of the Dutch Indies. C. 1745. J. 1670. H. 1156. The Dutch declare war against the prince of