Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/604

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56) CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. C. 179'i. J. I7I8. H. 1204. The sultan of Java dies, and is succeeded by his son, Mangkubuwono the Second. C. 1795. J. 1721. H. 1^07. The British capture the town of Malacca and its dependencies. C. 1802. J. 1720. H. 1215. Bencoolen is, by an act of the British Parlia- ment, subjected to the presidency of Bengal. C. 1809. J. 1736. H. 1222. Tumanenang ri Lambusuna ascends the throne of Goa Macassar. C. 1810. J. 1737. H. 1223. The Dutch move a force to Yugyacarta and de- pose the sultan of Java, raising his eldest son in his room. C. 1811. J. 1738. H. 122k The Dutch colonies of the Indian Archipela- go, following the fate of the mother country, be- come a portion of the French empire, and the ge- neral of division Janssens, is appointed governor- general. August 4. — The British land a force in Java. August 10. — They take possession of the town of Batavia, and drive the Dutch and French troops, after a smart action, from the cantonments of Wel- tervrieden. August 26. — The British troops storm the en- trenched position of the enemy at Cornells, withi^i J