Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 3.djvu/146

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gantly punctilious as to wear an air of some ridicule. "If," says this performance, "a man speak much to a woman on the highway, or at the resting places on a journey, and her husband ex- press dissatisfaction thereat, the offender shall pay a line of seven pieces of money."

"If a man pick up on the highway, or in any other place, a flower belonging to a woman, and her husband expresses dissatisfaction, the person who is in possession of the flower shall pay a fine of six pieces of money."

"If a woman who may have retired to a thicket is seen coming out of it at the same time with a man whom necessity may have taken to the same situation, and the husband of such woman express dissatisfaction, the man shall be fined four pieces of money."

"If a man, lodging in the house of another, give the wife of his host his clothes to wash, and borrow, in the meantime, others from her, should the husband be displeased thereat, the man shall be fined four pieces of money."

"If a man tear a woman's clothes, or lets down her petticoat, he shall be fined two thousand four hundred pichis."

"If a man lay violent hands on another man's wife, with intention of violating her, he shall be made to pay damages to her to the amount of three