Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 3.djvu/451

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ARTICLES OF EXPORTATION. 435 Of the quantity of birds' nests exported from the Indian Islands, although we cannot state the exact amount, we have data for hazarding some probable conjectures respecting it. From Java there are exported about 200 piculs, or 27,000 lbs. the greater part of which is of the first quahty. The greatest quantity is from the Siduh Ar- chipelago, and consists of 530 piculs. From Macassar there are sent about 30 piculs of the fine kind. These data will enable us to offer some conjectures respecting the whole quantity, for the edible swallow's nest being universally and almost equally diffused from Junk, Ceylon, to New Guinea, and the whole produce going to one market, and only by one conveyance, the junks, it is probable, that the average quantity taken by each vessel is not less than the sum taken from the ports just mentioned. Taking the quantity sent from Bata- via as the estimate, we know that this is conveyed by 5300 tons of shipping, and, therefore, the whole quantity will be 1818 piculs, or 242,400 lbs., as the whole quantity of Chinese shipping is 30,000 tons. In the Archipelago, at the prices already quoted, this property is worth 1,263,510 Spanish dollars, or L. 284,290. The value of this im- mense property to the country which produces it, rests upon the capricious wants of a single people. From its nature it necessarily follows that it is claimed as the exclusive property of the sovereign,