Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 3.djvu/461

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ARTICLES OF EXPORTATION. 4'1<5 first, as an object of trade, are found no where but in the Suluk islands, and the last principally there also. Pearls are found in the narrow chan- nels or passages which exist among the nume- rous and dansrerous shoals of the islands of this group. The pearl is known in every language of the Archipelago by one and the same name, and this name, ' Miitya^ or Mutyara^ is San- skrit, from which it may be inferred that the use of pearls as an ornament, and by consequence the art of fishing for them, were taught by the Hin- dus. The quantity annually exported to China is reckoned worth, on the spot, 25,000 Spanish dollars ; and the quantity of mother-of-pearl shell obtained and exported to the same country is about 5000picu]s, worth in China, at the rate of 14 Spa- nish dollars the picul, 70,000 dollars, or L. 15,7^0. Considering the turbulent and piratical habits of the natives of the Suluk group, it is certain that a greater share of skill and industry than can at present be applied to these fisheries, would great- ly enhance the value and amount of their produce. The same seas are the only parts of the Archi- pelago in which the coivrie shells, used as small currency in Hindustan, are found ; and the Bugis Praos bring them as articles of traffic to the more westerly parts of the Archipelago. These also, as well as almost all parts of the Archipelago, afford the gigantic cockle^ some of which occasion-