Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 3.djvu/551

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APPENDIX. No. I. ACCOUNT OF THE MATERIALS OF THE MAP. IHE Map of the Indian Islands has been compiled from the following materials : — The coasts of Pegu, Siara, the Malay Peninsula, Camboja, Cochin-China, the island of Hainan, the Andaman Islands, the Nico- bar Islands, Sumatra, Banca, Billiton, with the west coast of Borneo, are taken from a chart by Captain Horsburgh. The Paracels, and Coast of China, to the east of the island of Hainan, are taken frnm the Sur- veys of Lieutenant Ross. The Philippines are from a Spanish chart, published by Arrowsmith. The island of Palawan is also from Arrowsmith, with all the points coiTectedby Lieutenant Ross. The Sooloo Islands are from Dalrymple. The north, south, and east coast of Borneo, the coast of Celebes, &c. are taken from the best charts of Dalrymple, Arrowsmith, Espinoza, and from numerous Dutch and Spanish charts, adjusted in lati- tude and longitude by observations extracted from Horsburgh's East India Directory. The Bashee Islands are taken from a chart by Horsburgh. Java is from the beautiful map of Sir S. Raffles ; and the interior of Sumatra from Mr Marsden. The Islands of Bali and Lombok arc from a manuscript of Captain Hai'ris of the Bengal Artillery, compiled from native information, and their positions adjusted from Horsburgh. Timor, and the south coast of New Guinea, are from Flinders.