Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 3.djvu/562

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54>4> INDEX. true history, S13 — comiils ion occasion by its introduction, 320 — rise of the dynasty of Mataram, 321 — principal historical events till the coininencement of the Dutcli power in Java, 323 — retro- spect of Portuguese history as connected with Javanese, 337 — of Dutch history, and reflections on the policy pursued by Eu- ropeans, 340 — principal historical events till the present time, 343 History of the Malays — original seat of their name and nation, ii. 371 — iheir emigration to the Peninsula, 372 — native history of this transaction, 373 — remarks on it, 374 — origin of the terms by which the Malays are distinguished, 375 — their language and name diffused through the Archipelago ])y the first colony, 376 — why the Peninsula is termed the " land of the IMalays," 377 ———of the people of Celebes— their records mor6 limited and imperfect than those of Java, ii. 397 — limit of probable history among their principal tribe the Bugis, 380 — general remarks on their early history, ib. — their country never united as one em- pire, 381 — their religion Hmduism previous to the conversion to Maliomedanism, 382 — when the Ilacassars began to keep histo- rical records, ib. — their progress in the useful arts very recent, 383 — history of the conversion to jMahomedanism, 384 — princi- pal events till the ascendancy of the state of Boni and the Dutch, 385 — various rebellions, 390 — of the Portuguese culuiii»(=- their first appearance in the Archipelago, ii. 396 — establishment in Malacca, ib. — and in the Moluccas, 406 -of the Dutch colonists — causes which led to their aaventures to India, ii. 411 — their first appearance in the Archipelago, 412 — policy in relation to the Indian islanders, ib. — principal events during their administration in Java, 414 — in the western coun- tries, 431 — and in the Spice Islands, 435 -of the Spanish colonists — their influence confined to the Philippines, ii. 446> — policy in relation to the natives, 447 — first intercourse with the Philippines, 449 — neglect of them for the Moluccas, 451 — first attempt to conquer the Philippines, ib. — establishment in them, 452 — wars and quarrc Is with the Chinese, 455 — Japanese, 465 — neighbouring states, 468 — 'and Europeans, 472 Hogs, wild — fought against rams and goats in Java, i. 116 Horizon — how divided by the Indian islanders, i. 311 Husbandry of the Archipelago — its richness and variety, i. 341 — description of the seasons, 342 — soil, 344 — tillage, 346 — cattle, 347 — implements, 348 — irrigation, 350 — dressings, 354 — syste- matic rotation of crops unknown, 355 — ^general reflection on, ib. — husbandry of rice, 358 — maize, 366 — pulses, 369 — yamorig-, name, 371 — sweet potatoe or batatas, 372 — Kantang or Javanese potatoe, 373 — arrowroot, 374 — wheat, ib. — common potatoe, 375 — garden stuflfs,376 — cucumbers, 377 — onions, ib. — capsicum, ib.