Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 3.djvu/567

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INDEX. 549 tages of separating the nutmeg from the shell, 395 — natural price of nutmeg and mace, 399 — history of the nutmeg trade, 402 Onion, indigenous to the Indian Islands, i. 377 Opium — the Indian islanders passionately fond of, i. 105 — its re- cent introduction, ib. — its use limited only by the price, ib. — the poppy, from which it is derived, not a native of the Archipe- lago, 106 — its pernicious effects, ib. — manner of using and pre- paring it, ib. — history of the opium trade, iii. 518 — prices and quantity imported, 519 — introduction of Turkey opium, 521 Orange — ^its culture, i. 425 Painting — Indian islanders ignorant of this art, i. 327 Palma Christi — its culture, i. 382 — oil of, an article of exporta- tion, iii. 350 Pandapa — description of a Javanese, i. 162 Papaya — its culture, i. 430 Paralytic disorders, rarer in the Archipelago than in Europe, i. 34 Parturition and child-bearing, among the Indian islanders, very expeditious and safe, i. 36 Patek, a disease of the Javanese, analogous to the venereal, i. 34— its introduction ascribed to the Chinese, ib. Pearls — quantity exported and value, iii. 445 Peas — intrndured by Europeans, i. S7C Pepper, black — its history, i. 479 — culture, 481 — fecundity, 485 — an article of exportation, iii. 357 — where produced, 358 — price, 359 — history of the pepper trade, 360 — quality and quantity consumed, 369 Pistachio, ground — its culture, i. 381 — its oil an article of exporta- tion, iii. 349 Pinaga — its culture, i. 53 Pine-apple — its culture, i. 427 Plated- ware, imported into the Indian Islands, iii. 513 Political relations — the Indian islanders attached to their society or tribe, i. 84 — jealous of the independence of their country, ib. — attached to their place of birth, ib. Polynesian numerals — vocabulary of them, i. 264 Pomegranate — its culture, i. 433 Potatoe — cultivation of the yam, i. 371 — sweet potatoe, 372 — Ja- vanese, 373 — and American, 375 Pulses— culture of two varieties chiefly objects of attention, i. 36 !> —articles of exportation, 348 Quail-fighting — the .Tavanese fond of this amusement, i. 114 Quicksilver^— not employed by the Indian islanders, i. 19^ Ram bu tan — its culture, i. 432 Rami — its culture, i. 442