Page:History of the Literature of the Scandinavian North.djvu/242

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Ole Johan Samsöe (1759-1796) was an eminent poet, whose historical drama “Dyveke” and northern tales rank far above the average performances of that time, but death claimed him before he had attained his full development. Christian Levin Sander (1756-1819) wrote plays of which the patriotic tragedy “Niels Ebbesen” was the most important, and met with great favor in its day. Charlotte Dorothea Biehl wrote a number of sentimental plays and tales, the value of which cannot be regarded as very high. On the other hand she succeeded so well in a translation of the works of Cervantes, particularly of his Don Quixote, that there has even recently been issued a new edition of the latter. Her letters, which have been preserved and published in our day contain interesting contributions to our knoweldge of the history of the social culture and of the life of prominent individuals of that period. The Norwegian Enevold Falsen (1755-1808) and the Dane Oluf Christian Olufsen (1764-1827) are to be named as authors of plays. Among the works of the former we may mention “Dragedukhen” (the child bringing good luck); among those of the latter “Gulddaasen” (the golden box); both pieces long enjoyed great popularity.[1]

Wessel’s last poem was a letter in rhymes in which he welcomed Jens Baggesen to Parnassos, when the latter in 1785 had published his first great work in verse, “Komiske Fortællinger.” And there was no one more eminently entitled to the inheritance that had been kept by Wessel than this very Baggesen, who was so skilful in clothing his sparkling wit in the most airy and elegant language. Baggesen was born in 1764 in the little town of Korsör in Zealand.

  1. Todes samlede Skrifter, I-VIII, Copenhagen, 1793-1805. Prams udvalgte digteriske Arbeider, edited by Rahbek, I-VI, Copenhagen, 1824-1829. Rahbek: Prosaiske Forsög, I-VIII, Copenhagen, 1785-1806; Poetiske Forsög, I-II, Copenhagen, 1798-1802; Samlede Skuespil I-III, Copenhagen, 1809-1813; Erindringer af mit Liv. I-V, Copenhagen, 1824-1829. Th. Thaarups efterladte poetiske Skrifter, edited by Rahbek, Copenhagen, 1822. Samsöes efterladte digteriske Skrifter I-II, edited by Rahbek, Copenhagen, 1796. Sander: Niels Ebbesen af Nörreriis, Copenhagen, 1798. Falsen: Dragedukken, Copenhagen, 1797. Olufsen: Gulddaasen, Copenhagen, 1793. Fr. Bajer: Nordens politiske Digtning, 1789-1804; Copenhagen, 1878.