mandiet" (The conquest of England and Normandy by the Danes).[1]
In the department of history we have to mention Erik Christian Werlauff (1781-1871), who in numerous works, particularly in his "Historiske Antegnelser til Holbergs Lystspil," has given us important contributions to the history of Danish culture, and Christian Molbech (1783-1837), who developed a literary activity of rare wealth. The first real historian of Denmark (Holberg excepted) was Karl Ferdinand Allen (1811-1872), who combined a comprehensive historical knowledge with an excellent talent for its exposition. His great work, which unfortunately was not completed, "De tre nordiske Rigers Historie under Hans, Christjern II, Frederik I, Gustav Vasa og Grevefeiden, 1497-1537," is a masterpiece. The works of Frederik Schjern (born 1816), though not very voluminous, are equally excellent, both as to style and contents. A large work by him "Europas Folkestammer," has not been completed. The works of Caspar Peter Paludan-Müller, "Grevens Feide," and "De förste Konger af den oldenborgske Slægt," have considerable historical value.[2]
The study of languages has been pursued with marked success in connection with the archæological researches. In
- ↑ P. E. Müller: Sagabibliothek, I-III, Copenhagen, 1817-1820. Kritisk Undersögelse af Danmarks og Norges Sagahistorie, Copenhagen, 1833. Finn Magnusson: Eddalæren og dens Oprindelse I-IV, Copenhagen, 1824-26. Runamo og Runerne, Copenhagen, 1841. N. M. Petersen: Det danske, norske og svenske Sprogs Historie, I-II, Copenhagen, 1829-30. Danmark's Historie i Hedenold, I-III, Copenhagen, 1854-55. Nordisk Mythologi, Copenhagen, 1862. Bidrag til den danske Literaturs Historie, I-VI, Copenhagen, 1853-61. Bidrag til den oldnordiske Literature Historie, Copenhagen, 1866. J. J. A. Worsaae, Danmarks Oldtid, Copenhagen, 1843, Rumano og Braavalleslaget, Copenhagen, 1844. Blekingske Mindesmærker, Copenhagen, 1846. Minder om de Danske og Nordmændene i England, Skotland og Irland, Copenhagen, 1851. Den danske Erobring af England og Normandiet, Copenhagen, 1863.
- ↑ K. P. Allen: Haandbog i Fædrelandets Historie, Copenhagen, 1840. De tre nordiske Rigers Historie, 1497-1536, I-V, Copenhagen, 1864-1872. Fr. Schjern: Europas Folkestammer I, Copenhagen, 1851. Historiske Studier, I-II, Copenhagen, 1856-1857. Nyere historiske Studier, I-II, Copenhagen, 1875-1879. C. P. Paludan-Müller: Grevens Feide, I-II, Copenhagen, 1853-1854. De förste Konger af den oldenborgske Slægt, Copenhagen, 1874.