Page:History of the Nonjurors.djvu/344

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History of the Nonjurors.

on the same points, bearing the date 1691, and subscribed by several Patriarchs and Bishops.

The following is the reply of the Nonjurors to the communication from the Patriarchs.

"Copy of a Reply to the Answers of the Orthodox of the East.

"Before the Catholic remainder of the British Church proceed to reply to the answers of the four most Reverend Patriarchs of the Catholic Oriental Church, they think themselves obliged to return their most hearty thanks to their Patriarchal Lordships for the trouble they have given themselves, in drawing up an answer to our proposals, and transmitting it to so distant a country as Great Britain: hoping that this charitable disposition and generous ardour their Patriarchal Lordships express for preserving an harmony between us, and enlarging the union of Christendom, may be carried on to a happy conclusion; and as the Catholic remnant of Britain will omit nothing, in order to so desirable an issue, but willingly stretch to the utmost of their power: so having the satisfaction to understand, that their Patriarchal Lordships refer the difference of sentiments between us to the decision of the Scriptures and primitive Church, they have no uncomfortable prospect of a coalition. For since the determining rule is equally received by the Oriental Churches and the Catholic remainder in Britain; since the inspired writings of the Old and New Testament, as interpreted by the primitive Fathers, are the common standard of faith and worship to both, we do not despair, but by the blessing of God, when the case shall be further examined by the Catholic Oriental Church, such allow-