Page:History of the Ojibway Nation.djvu/375

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caught in the arms of the foremost warriors, many blows of war-clubs were aimed at him, and he expected every moment to suffer death; but a tall Dakota defended him, warding off the blows of his angry comrades. After the excitement had somewhat cooled down, and the tall warrior had addressed a few words to his fellows, a Dakota whose face was painted black, denoting mourning, for whose benefit, probably, the war party were now bent on their errand of blood, stepped forth and throwing down his arms, he took hold of the Ojibway and offered to wrestle with him. The Dakota was thrown to the ground, on which he got up, and laughing, he tried his more powerful adversary another hold. He was again thrown, on which he shook the Ojibway by the hand and exchanged with him his pipe, gun, and clothing. The brave man who had thus conquered a peace, led the party to the wigwams of his people, where they saluted one another with the firing of guns. The peace pipe was smoked, and for several days they literally "eat out of the same dish," and "slept under the same lodge covering."

Shortly after this Dakota war party had returned to their homes, emboldened by the cordial and unexpected manner in which they had met their advances for peace, a small war party of Ojibways, under Broken Tooth, the chief of Sandy Lake, proceeded in their birch canoes down the Mississippi to the mouth of the Minnesota, to pay the Dakotas a visit of peace at their own villages. On the low point over which now towers the American fortress known as Fort Snelling, the Ojibways first discovered their old enemies congregated in a large camp. Broken Tooth, to denote his rank, approached with the American flag hanging over the stern of his canoe. On their being perceived, the wildest excitement ensued in the camp. The men ran out of their lodges with guns in their hands. The Dakotas were preparing to go on a war party against the very people