Page:History of the Ojibway Nation.djvu/463

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among the Saulteaux [Ojibways], cannot induce him to behave like a man. About a month ago, in a drinking match, he got into a quarrel, and had one of his eyes knocked out with a club. He is very fleet, and a few years ago was reckoned the best runner among the Saulteaux. Both his fleetness and courage were fully put to the test on the banks of the Chain [Cheyenne], when Monsieur Reaume attempted to make peace. He accompanied a party of Saulteaux to the Scieux camp. They at first appeared reconciled to each other through the intercession of the white people, but on the return of the Saulteaux, the Scieux pursued them. Both parties were on foot, and the Scieux had the name of being very swift. The Saulteaux very imprudently dispersed themselves in the open plains, and several of them were killed, but the party in which Beardash was, all escaped in the following manner.


"One of them had a bow which he got from the Scieux, but only a few arrows. On their first starting, and finding they were pursued, they ran a considerable distance, until they perceived the Scieux were gaining fast, when Beardash took the bow and arrows from his comrades, and told them to run as fast as possible, and not to mind him, as he apprehended no danger. He then stopped, and turned about, and faced the enemy, and began to let fly his arrows. This checked their course, and they returned the compliment, with interest, but he says it was nothing but long shot, and only a chance arrow could have hurt him. They had nearly lost their strength when they drew near him. His own stock was soon expended, but he lost no time in gathering up those of the enemy, which fell near him. Seeing his friends at some distance ahead, and the Scieux moving to surround him, he turned about, and ran away to join his comrades, the Scieux running after him.