Page:History of the Ojibway Nation.djvu/529

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  • Aboinug (Roasters), Ojibway name for Dakotas, 36, 95, 103
  • Achipoue (Ojibway), 398, 408
  • Adam, progenitor of the race, 55, 58
  • Adders, Ojibway name for Dakotas and Six Nations, 72, 83
  • Adoption, as brothers, 269
  • Agriculture attempted by Indians, 40, 97
  • Ah-ah-wauk, clan or Totem. See Loon.
  • Ah-mous (Little Bee), Ojibway chief, 47, 192, 319
  • Aish-ke-bug-e-koshe. See Flat Mouth.
  • Ais-sance (Little Clam), Ojibway chief, 47, 354
  • Aitkin, Alfred, killed, 484
  • Aitkin, Miss Matilda (Mrs. W.W. Warren), 14, 16
  • Aitkin, William A., 14, 115, 382, 383, 483, 489, 497
  • Aitkinsville, Minn., 384
  • Askin, Mr., British agent, 373, 375
  • A-ke-guiow, Ojibway chief, 192, 317
  • Ako (or Accault), Michael, 156
  • Algic race, or family, 25, 30, 31, 34, 41, 43, 60, 62, 138, 146, 147
  • Algonquin tribe, 30, 117, 118, 124
  • Allouez, Claude, 115, 116, 404, 408, 464, 471
  • America, how peopled originally, 60
  • American Board of Foreign Missions, 386
  • American Fur Company, 12, 140, 229
  • American government, mismanagement of Indians, 135
  • American people, responsibility on them, 23, 31
  • Amherst, Gen., 439
  • Amikouëts, 403, 413
  • André, Jesuit missionary, 408
  • Analogies between Hebrews and Algics, 53, 65, 67, 75
  • Ance-ke-we-naw, 38, 382, 392
  • Ancient mines. See "Copper."
  • Anderson, Thomas G., Pottawatomie trader, 32
  • Andreani, Count, 446
  • Anglo-Saxons, sweeping away red race, 23
  • Anguemance, Ojibway chief, 455
  • Animals, totems taken from, 42
  • An-ish-in-aub-ag, tradition about, 43
  • An-ish-in-aub-ag, other references, 37, 56, 57, 67, 68, 81
  • Apostle's Islands, 405
  • Apple River, Wis., Indian fight at, 499
  • Arickarees, 160, 179
  • Armatinger [or Ermitinger], English trader, 384, 460
  • Arrows, 277, 278
  • Arms and weapons, 98, 126. See, also, Fire Arms.
  • Ashmun, Samuel, fur trader, 384
  • Asiatic origin of American Indians, 61, 62, 71, 72, 74
  • Askin, John, report of, 460
  • Assenipoels Lake, 423
  • Assineboines, 84, 138, 140, 179, 184, 189, 261, 262, 323, 356, 378, 379
  • Astor Fur Company, 382, 383, 384, 385
  • Astor, John Jacob, 383, 385, 386
  • Atlantic Ocean, Ojibway emigration from, 76, 79
  • Au-daig-we (Crow's Flesh), Ojibway chief, 317
  • A-waus-e Clan, or Totem, 10, 44, 46, 99, 164, 165, 212, 256, 334
  • A-wish-toy-ah (Blacksmith), French trader, 275
  • Ayer, Rev. Frederic, missionary, 11, 406
  • Ayer, Mrs. Elizabeth T., 11, 20, 407
