Page:History of the Radical Party in Parliament.djvu/315

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1841.] Accession of the Queen to fall of Melbourne. 301 was in a minority of 126. The question, however, which most severely tested the thoroughness of the Radicalism of members was the introduction of the charter. On the I4th of June Attwood had presented the national petition in favour of the six points, which had been signed by 1,200,000 persons. Going beyond the usual practice of the House, he was allowed, in consideration of the unusual character of the petition, to make a short speech on the presentation, and on the 1 2th of July he moved that the House should go into committee to consider the petition. At this time the question was compromised by the alarm which had been created in the minds of the upper and middle classes by the violent speeches and proceedings of some of the Chartists, a section of whom, under the instigation of Feargus O'Connor, calling themselves " Physical-force Chartists," had openly advocated an appeal to arms. Notwithstanding the general excitement, the debate on Attwood's motion was very tame, and the vote under the circumstances was very favourable, there being for the resolution, 46 ; against it, 235.* Of the practical work of the session there is not much to be said. One important step was taken in the miserably slow process by which the State moved towards the performance of its duty to national education. The Committee of Council

  • The following is a list of the members who at such a time had the courage

to vote for the resolution : Aglionby, H. A. Harvey, D. W. Rundle, J. Beamish, F. B. Hector, C. J. Salway, Col. Blake, M. J. Hindley, C. Scholefield, J. Bridgeman, H. Hodges, T. L. Somerville, Sir W. M. Brotherton, J. Jervis, S. Turner, W. Browne, R. D. Johnson, Gen. Vigors, N. A. Collins, W. Leader, J. T. Villiers, Hon. C. P. Currie, B. Lushington, C. Wakley, T. Duke, Sir J. Marsland, H. Wallace, R. Buncombe, T. Martin, J. Warburton, H. Easthope, J. Milton, Visct. Williams, W. Ellis, W. Molesworth, Sir W. Wood, Sir M. Euston, Earl of Muskett, S. A. Evans, G. O'Connell, D. Attwood, T. ) Fielden, J. O'Connell, J. Hume, J. Finch, *F. Ramsbottom, J. Grote, G. Roche, E. B.